Pre and Post Partum Physiotherapy

Physio Alive

Pre and Post Partum Physiotherapy

At Physio Alive, we are passionate about your health, wellbeing and fitness throughout the childbearing year (and well beyond!) Our bodies experience dramatic physical, hormonal and emotional changes over a short period of time and the support of a well trained and experienced women’s health physiotherapist can make a world of difference.

Our physiotherapists Lauren, Virginia and Hayley are trained and experienced in the field of pre and post partum physiotherapy, and being a part of a women’s health team, all of our staff have an increased understanding in this field and are proud to offer a holistic service spanning pre conception, pregnancy and the post partum year (or two, or three!) We are able to offer a range of services and treat a range of conditions as outlined below.

Pregnancy care

Back, rib cage and pelvic (sacroiliac joint or pubic symphysis) pain during pregnancy. This is common but shouldn’t be considered a normal part of pregnancy and we have lots of strategies to keep you more comfortable and mobile.

Safe exercise advice and programming including home, gym or in clinic program offerings. We offer several physio led, women’s health specific classes each week

Antenatal pelvic floor assessment and advice. We recommend all pregnant women attend for an individualised pelvic floor assessment in their second or third trimester.

Wrist and hand pain such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis associated with pregnancy

Instruction in perineal massage in preparation for vaginal delivery

Preparation for labour including application and hire of TENS machines for pain modulation

Advice regarding support braces or shorts/leggings. We are a stockist of SRC support wear, and can provide guidance regarding a number of other brands and devices

Post partum Care

General post partum support and wellness including safe exercise advice and programming including home, gym or in clinic program offerings. We offer several physio led, women’s health specific classes each week

Post-natal pelvic floor assessment and advice- this will always be an INDIVIDUALISED assessment and treatment program. We can expertly help to manage incontinence (urine or faeces/wind), vulval heaviness or pelvic organ prolapse, tight or painful scar tissue, uncomfortable or painful intercourse)

Post birth trauma support, our physios are well trained in providing sensitive and pain free vaginal assessments, including following birth trauma, forceps deliveries or obstetric anal sphincter injuries. We work with your health provider team as necessary.

Post caesarean section care, including scar tissue management

Abdominal muscle assessment and management of abdominal muscle separation or diastasis rectum abdominus muscle (DRAM)

Management of musculoskeletal pains such as pelvic girdle pain, lower or upper back pain, wrist and hand or care of a new born

Inflammatory and infective conditions of the lactating breast such as mastitis